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As of 2024, the total number of people living in Anchorage was 299,346. A whopping 40% of the people that live in the State of Alaska lives in the city of Anchorage, which is where you will find the best Alaska SEO companies.
The city of Anchorage has a couple of industries that have been a huge boost to its economy, some of those sectors include transportation, tourism, the government, resource extraction, and so on.
The location of Anchorage is strategic, as it is able to tap into the natural resources within itself.
The economy of this city has been steady for a long while, nonetheless the rate of unemployment in the city is 0.5% higher than the U.S average rate that stands at 5.2%.
There is a prediction that in the next decade, there will be a 34.6% growth of jobs in the region.
There are many SEO companies in Anchorage, 2 of these SEO agencies are located to the North and East of Anchorage Museum in the heart of the city. The SEO industry is still growing in Alaska, so expect lower rates around $100/hr.