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Linear Creative

Avertising and Marketing Agency

Linear Creative
Linear Creative
6284 Olde Orchard Drive, Columbus, OH 43123
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Linear Creative is a web design company based in Columbus. They act the marketing arm of businesses, to help them create tailored digital marketing and design breakthroughs, that ensures the creation of brand awareness and to achieve business growth.
They have created different solutions for their clients and some of the services are Ads, Strategic Planning, Branding, video and motion graphics, web design and development, social and online marketing.
Some of the industries they have been able to successfully deliver their services include startups to corporations, nonprofits, schools, government agencies and attorneys.
Some of the companies that have enjoyed the various services that Linear Creative have to offer include Unite This City, Ambiance, Wigs For Kids, Plexus, NITOR, The Music Settlement, Legacy Group, Easer Seals, DAVID Rounds and ICASI
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