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Summerfield Advertising

Brand, Strategy, Design

Summerfield Advertising
Summerfield Advertising
939 N High Street, Ste 207, Columbus, OH 43201
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Summerfield Advertising is an advertising company based in Columbus. It was founded in 2004. They are known for creating compelling communication tools, crafting memorable brand stories, and counselling organizations about their best strategies for initiative a great digital footprint.
They have created different solutions for their clients and some of the services are Signage & Wayfinding, Web/Interactive, Collateral, Strategic Marketing, Investor Relations Marketing, Corporate Communications, Seminars/Education, Product Packaging, Retail Visualization & Merchandising, SEO & SEM and Social Media
There are several industries that have worked with them and they include Medical, Health and Wellness, skin care clinic and hospitals.
Some of the companies that have enjoyed the various services that they have to offer include Sbarro, The Builders Exchange of Central Ohio, Ohio Restaurant Association, National Church Residencies, United Scholl Network, Setterlin, The Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Porter Wright.
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