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Birdsong Gregory

Does your brand represent where you've been? Or where you're headed.

Birdsong Gregory
Birdsong Gregory
715 North Church Street, Ste 101, Charlotte, NC 28202
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Birdsong Gregory is an advertising company based in Charlotte. For the past 19 years, their team of professionals who are brand builders, strategic thinkers, designers and writers help businesses to create targeted communication and advertising campaigns.
They have created different solutions for their clients and some of the services are Integrated Marketing Plans, Media Strategy, Media Buying, Marketing Campaigns, Content Marketing, Automated Marketing, Digital Design & Development, Social Media Management (SMM) and Reporting and Analytics
There are several industries that have worked with them and they include Educational Companies, health and fitness firms, national businesses, bestselling authors, startups and e-commerce.
Some of the companies that have enjoyed the various services that they have to offer include Alucobond, Taptivate, Diversey Prosumer Brands, Lowe’s – Moxie, Modex 2020, Xerox Papers by Domtar, Noggin & Wink, Xylem Rental Solutions, AGDATA, Diversey’s Lape’ product, Cryovac and MyGroup.
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