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Felice Agency

More than just marketing. Unlock the secret to taking your company from good to great

Felice Agency
100 W. Portland Street, Ste 106, Phoenix, AZ 85003
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Felice Agency is an advertising company based in Phoenix. They have a team of 7 professionals. They have helped different businesses to craft their brand messaging to reach different audiences through various platforms to make their business dreams come true.
They have created different solutions for their clients and some of the services are Content Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Video and Multimedia, App Marketing, branding, Strategy and Consulting, Social Media Marketing, (SEO) and Email Marketing.
There are several industries that have worked with them and they include Educational Institutions, Nonprofits Organization, Food and Beverages, fitness and gym, restaurants, household services, insurance, sports, construction, renovation and landscaping.
Some of the companies that have enjoyed the various services that they have to offer include That Place Projects, Tourist Home, Corn and Flour, The Shed, Annex Cocktail Lounge, Scoot Scoop, Humble Brag, Scooter Girl, Safe Temp, JustWetSuits and Mcdowell sonorant conservancy.
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